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Midwifery Services

We are trained and specialize in providing preconception counseling, prenatal care, delivery in the out-of-hospital setting and 6 weeks of postpartum care for low-risk pregnant people.

Preconception Counseling:

2 hour education and coaching session with lead midwife Atoosa Benji focusing on fertility education and optimizing your wellbeing through nutrition, supplementation, stress reduction, and behavior modification.

Initial Intake Visit:

2 hour intake visit reviewing your birth vision, ensuring understanding of the midwifery model of care and scope of practice of Licensed Midwives in California, medical history, previous birth history, and psycho-social history, perinatal mood and anxiety disorder screening and referrals, lab tests, genetic testing, and referral for ultrasound and collaboration with MD, as needed. 

60-90 minute Prenatal Visits:

Assessment of the physical, mental and emotional health of the birthing person.  This includes review of diet, exercise and lifestyle.  Assessment of the health of the fetus through palpation, measurement and auscultation.  Blood tests, ultrasound and diagnostic fetal testing, as recommended.

Prenatal Visit Schedule:

  • Monthly until 28 weeks of pregnancy:
  • Every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks
  • Weekly from 36-40 weeks
  • 2-3 times per week after 40 weeks. 

*We are on-call for your birth 24/7 from term pregnancy 37-42 weeks

The Birthday:

  • A team of 2-3 birth professionals (minimum 1 Licensed Midwife plus 1-2 birth assistants who may also be midwives)
  • Monitoring the health of the baby and the birthing person throughout active labor, as required by the CA Medical Board protocols
  • Positioning recommendations to help optimize fetal positioning and comfort of the mother.
  • “Catching the baby” – YOU deliver the baby, we catch!  
  • Immediate newborn and postpartum care 
  • Newborn Assessment and Newborn Exam 
  • 1 midwife from the team will stay with you for a minimum of 4 hours after the birth of the baby to assure fetal and maternal well-being. 

Postpartum Care:

Assessment of the physical and emotional wellbeing of the birthing person.  This includes offering lab tests and/or referrals as needed.

Newborn Care:

  • CA Newborn screen blood draw 
  • Screening for congenital heart defects for the newborn, assessment of jaundice, monitoring newborn weight gain
  • Lactation support and education

Postpartum Care Schedule:

  • 24-48 hours after delivery
  • Day 5 after delivery
  • Week 3
  • Week 6
  • Other visits will always be accommodated as needed.